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Re: Canada Is Israel's Best Friend

Started by Anonymous, December 10, 2012, 09:13:49 AM

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I have been to Israel when my husband and I lived abroad..

I liked what I saw of it.


Are you replacing the Jewnited States as their BFF?


My pants are smart EVERY day, thank you very much.

Which probably explains why you're so desperate to get in them.


Quote from: "Leopardsocks"My pants are smart EVERY day, thank you very much.

Which probably explains why you're so desperate to get in them.



Er...metaphorically speaking, of course...


Quote from: "Leopardsocks"Er...metaphorically speaking, of course...

Oh, ok Leopardsocks.


My compliments to the opening poster and her posting with which I wholeheartedly agree.

Of course, the picture would be quite different had we  a Liberal government.

I also can imagine the howling and cringing at that headline on eastern universities , those places of lower learning...


Thanx Shen Li ; as you know, 'we' are a minority. At least in the  virtual world of the internet. You have no idea how vitriolic and widespread and intense the hatred - not dislike - toward everything 'Jewish' is in slowly disintegrating central Europe. This hatred manifests itself more passively than actively and more indirectly as directly , nevertheless it is tangible. So, guys like me stick out like a sore thumb.

What's so interesting about universal hate - or for that matter love or jealousy or any other intense emotion - it stifles in inverse proportion the capacity to think rationally; indeed , rational thought , historical facts are unwanted and rejected. So, hate as well as love, turn their head away from logic and rationality meaning that hate is almost a self-perpetuating  state of mind. It is for that reason that all the ABC-'peace plans' and 'solutions' have been and will be for naught.

Interestingly enough , already Winston Churchill as Colonial Minister in 1921 wrangled already with hate filled Arabs , proposed solutions for harmonious coexistence , did his best to accommodate  the wishes of the Arabs by creating Transjordan , but it was always not good enough for the recalcitrant Arabs , they always wanted more , actually all of it.

Indeed, since 1921, except one thing, nothing  in this artificial conflict has changed. The one thing that has changed is , that  since a few years we  are given Chimaeras to accept as genuine facts , like for instance 'Palestinian';  'Westbank' ; Israel 'occupies' ; 'illegal settlement' ; falsified stories and pictures and all that rubbish , none of which stands rational justification or examination under international law.

 Americans  are given a zero skill ; zero accomplishment   buffoon , a feel-good Chimaera to vote into the highest office for , an office which requires a high skill level, much experience and accomplishment , political knowledge and  insight into human nature - all missing with the buffoon and his entourage - yet all present with Harper.  Am I glad to live in Canada and not in  slowly declining|decaying  U.S.S.A.


Quote from: "Shen Li"

That hatred towards all things Jewish was there the last time I was in Europe and with it's economic disintegration I am sure it has only gotten worse. I can understand their anger though as there are so many extremist Jews in Europe attacking gays and calling for the death of infidels. :roll:

Sure it's Jews?

'cause no such case is known in Germany, Switzerland or Austria.....

Behaviour highly atypical for Jews - yet typical modus vivendi   for 'integration resistant' Muslim 'co-citizens' ...

Quote from: "Shen Li"Yeah, we are so lucky we do have that feckless celebutard South of the border as our PM. He is unfit to be a part time councillor for a very small city let alone the highest elected office in the USA. On the big things Harper generally gets it right, while on the big things Obama needs to consult experts like Alec Baldwin or Bill Maher. Hopefully, the USA will still be salvageable at the end of his next very long 4 year term. I won't hold my breath on that though.

All true.

However the demographic make up of the U.S.A. is undergoing fairly rapid change , meaning  priorities and policies are slowly changing  - not necessarily  for the better .

It is for that reason, that Canadians have a huge stake in maintaining friendly relations with the U.S.A, . yet without surrendering our values.

Let's look as the very most important fact: Canada , with her few people and correspondingly small resources  is incapable of  defending her huge landmass and littoral  against even a medium sized , determined  aggressor : Canada is 100% dependent on the protecting U.S. umbrella. Canada will have to pay for it one way or an other.  

With global warming,  more northern lands become habitable , the Northwest Passage will be navigable all year round , we have the largest sweet water reservoir in the world , we have more than plenty of everything that half the world urgently needs - even more so  40 or 50 years  from now ,that are  ~10 Prime Ministers. Canada's future is in the north , she has to prepare for that future , for her next generations   now!  That includes military preparedness;  massive beefing  up of our military capabilities which are presently woefully inadequate for that task. One way for Canada to get needed funds is by selling our raw resources abroad.


Let's hope Canada will be spared some wussy headed liberal governments during the next decades, they're liable to do irreparable damage to the country : some Israeli Prime Ministers  are prime examples for liberal sedition ,usurpation and outright treason.


Thanx Shen Li :)

My linear male mind sometimes just doesn't recognize facetiousness, lol.